
Die American Idol. DIE.

Top ten reasons why I hate American Idol:

  1. Paula Abdul
  2. One of the last few times I had to watch it, I had to watch someone cover "Total Eclipse of the Heart". Yes. The Bonnie Tyler song. And the judges said it was good!
  3. Ryan Seacrest. Not only is he a midget, he's an annoying midget.
  4. You can't be an American Idol if you have a police record, which is absurd because as we all know, all the best celebrities have records.
  5. Paula Abdul
  6. It's on, like, eight times a goddamn week.
  7. The clothes the idols wear while performing. Who dresses these people! I would like to know what drugs they were on when deciding to wear this, this, this, this, this, and this. And then get me some so I can stand looking at them.
  8. Clay Aiken
  9. The show is essentially a kleenex box for new, media friendly, franchise creating, money magnet pop stars. It's a goddamn assembly line.
  10. And the big reason that I hate American Idol, my friends, is of course, none other than PAULA ABDUL. I wish I had a job where I could get paid millions of dollars to sit and watch people sing and then tell them how good they are - even if they suck. And then use it as a launching pad for a revival of my dead, hopeless career. That'd be sweet.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have absolutely no problem with the idea of American Idol. I mean we're gunna get manufactured pop singers no matter what, we the people might as well have some say as to who they are.
That being said American Idol takes what could be a fun concept and beats the crap out of it until its painful to watch.
Here are some things they could do to make it suck a lot less:
* Prettier people make for happier viewers.
* Ugly clothes are ugly. Make them wear not ugly clothes.
* Don't air it 5 times a week. For an hour each time. All anyone can really take is an hour a week anyway, so the rest is just filler, we know it and we hate it Fox. Develop some other shows instead of bleeding one franchise to death.
* Think outside the box. In otherwords make the contestents sing something other than Celine Dion and Whitney Huston. No one likes those shmaltzee ballads anyway. Would it be horrible if they did faster, fun songs that people actually enjoy? Or maybe even covers of songs that you would never think could be a pop song... Like I dunno, do something a smidge creative, mmkay?

4:51 PM  

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