"I won't say it if you don't say it first."

Dammit. I mean
Dear The Bravery,
Hi. I just recently saw your video for "An Honest Mistake" on MuchMusic. I apologize for the lateness of my recognition of your band, but I don't have MuchMusic at home. Now, you're going to hear a lot of words thrown around like "Rip-offs" and "unoriginal". Though these words may hurt, I want you to remember that after the horribly overdone 70's garage rock revival, I am happy to see a band as devoted to 80's synth pop/proto-goth revival as you are. It's nice to see a band embrace the always pained, slightly whiny, slightly homosexual aura of the likes of The Smiths, The Cure and Joy Division. Don't let the haters bring you down, Rachel loves you! And that's all that matters.
P.S. Morrissey called, he wants his gay back.
I would totally lend you the bravery CD is it wasn't CONSTANTLY playing in my room. It's so fucking fun. I delight in their shameless ripping off of everything good about the decade that birthed me.
So how drunk was I?
Answer: very.
But if it makes you feel better you know that drunk rob thinks of you as "fuckin' awesome!".
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