
"When I was the rat, the rat who would be king, I imagined typhoid and us alone."

I would like to take this time to apologize to Paula Abdul.

In a previous post, I called Miss Abdul the biggest moron on television.

Well, although she is still ONE of the biggest morons on television, I would like to say that as of Wednesday, May 18, Miss Abdul was usurped as the biggest moron on television by none other than, you guessed it:

Yep. The Britster.

Rob, I and some companions sat down on this chilly Wednesday night to watch the debut of Kevin and Britney: Chaotic.

What can I now say about Britney? Nothing that I didn't already suspect! The show just further pushes my suspicions that:

1. Not only is Britney on drugs, she's on A LOT of REALLY REALLY GOOD drugs.
2. Britney is just a spoiled little girl who's never known a world outside of Hollywood.
3. She's on drugs. Just thought I'd re-iterate.
4. K-Fed is a moron. Maybe a bigger moron than her. He's also in it for the money. And he's rat-like. Even more rat-like on hand-held cameras.
5. Britney can't use a hand-held. I never really suspected this, but it's true.

So yeah. I don't know what else to say. Maybe because I don't remember that last half due to the fact that I felt incapable of watching the show without doing heavy drinking and got loaded while watching it. Time well spent.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

So I'll see you nxt wednesday for shots and car-wreck TV?

12:11 PM  
Blogger vivahate said...


1:02 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

no wayyyyyyyyyy

5:06 PM  
Blogger vivahate said...


7:37 PM  

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